Abstract Background: The growing trend of alcohol and substance abuse among the adolescents and students community is becoming a serious and treble issue. Glorification of alcohol and drugs in modern life has made the issue more pathetic. Now a day’s people start experimenting with the alcohol and other illicit in very little age. Studies found prevalent use of alcohol among students; even those not used yet started have a very positive attitude towards alcohol and substances. Aim of the Study: To explore and find out the level of expectancy related to alcohol and drugs among the undergraduate students. Methodology: This study applied ‘Alcohol and Drugs Desire Scale’ - Sandeep Singh and Sunil Saini. A descriptive design used, and data was collected from the undergraduate students from 2014 batch of the central university of Rajasthan. The entire collected data analyzed with the help of SPSS, and the statistical test performed as per the study need. Results: The collected data were analyzed and it was found that 84.4 percent of respondents have high expectancy, and rest 19.6 percent indicated average expectancy related to alcohol and drugs. Key Word: Alcohol, Substance, Expectancy, Students Background of the Study: The phenomenon of alcoholism is growing in India. In recent few years, Alcoholism and Drugs addiction is becoming treble issue. Alcoholism has very adverse effect on the individual health and takes a loss of life as WHO (2011) estimated that globally 2.5 million people died because of alcohol every year. It had estimated that 25% of road accidents were alcohol related, and 20 percent of accident-related brain injury victims seen in emergency rooms of hospitals have consumed alcohol before the crash. Alcohol-related problems made up 17.6% of the caseload of psychiatric emergencies in an Indian General Hospital, WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol, (2004). Alcohol abuse is also one of the leading causes of disability (World Health Report: Mental Health, 2001). Alcoholism has not only effect on use but also significant negative impact on the problem of addiction is not only concern with the adult and old age people but adolescents and youth too, even students’ community is no exception. The glorification of alcohol and drugs in film and modern life has made the issue more pathetic, as people in little age started using the drugs and alcohol. Park, (2002) Adolescents and students involve in alcoholism and drugs use, even those not used yet have a very positive attitude towards alcohol and substances. Monika Arora 2001 reported that Alcohol consumption among students is increasing, and this has led to an increase in alcohol-related sickness and absenteeism and the age of starting use of alcohol drops from 17 to 14 in recants years. Goldman, Darkes, & Del Boca, (1999) indicated that desire or expectancy in early years leads to dependency or addiction in old age. The undergraduate students are more prone to alcoholism and drugs, as they are not mature enough and quickly fall in the thrilling notion of alcohol and drugs. The Aim of the Study:- The primary purpose of the survey is to find out the level of expectancy related to alcohol and drugs among the graduate students. Objective:- The specific aims of the study are: 1. To access the degree of alcohol and drugs expectancy among undergraduate students. 2. To find out the risk of abuse and dependence on alcohol and drugs among student in their later life. Material and Method:- This study applied a descriptive research design used and ‘Alcohol and Drugs Attitude Scale’ (Sandeep Saini and Sunil Singh, 2010) had administrated for data collection from the respondents. Data was collected from the undergraduate students of the Central University of Rajasthan students’ 2014 batch. An online questionnaire was framed with the help of Google Documents and sent to the students’ common email id network. The collected data was classified and quantitative analysis method used for analysis and interpretation. Findings:- The respondents had divided into four groups by their age group; the descriptive statistic was done to see the nature and characteristics of data and respondents. Higher order statistics, ANOVA, and t-test were also done to see the in group differences. Alcohol and drugs severity measured on the standard scale. It had noted that there were 18 respondents less than 19 year age group, 11 respondents in 20 year age and 14 respondents in 21 years followed by 13 respondents come under 22 and above age group. If we talk about the percentage of different group 32.1 respondents are under 19 year and 19.6 percent in 20 year age group, 25 percent are in 21 year age rest are above the 22 year period. In the case of male-female respondents’ difference, it is noted that 80.4 percent respondent were male and rest 19.6 percent are female. Alcohol and drugs severity measured on the basis on given scale “Sandeep Singh and Sunil Saini” (2010), wherein a score range between 28-60 depicts Low expectancy, 60 to 80 is a reasonable and 80 and above means respondents have a high likelihood of alcohol and drug abuse. It noted that 84.4 percent of respondents have very high expectancy for alcohol and drugs and rest 19.6 percent respondents are regular, the most notable thing in the data is there were no any respondents showed less likelihood for alcohol and drugs. The units were divided into four groups by age and analyzed by these divided societies. There were 18 defendants come under 19 years age group with 99.06 mean and 14.574 standard deviations. 11 respondents come to 20 year age group with a 93.27 group mean and 12.459 standard deviations, and 14 Respondents come under 21 year age group with 95.36 and 15.897 standard deviations, and 13 respondents come under 22 and above age group with 86.92 group mean and 13.219 standard deviations. To see the difference between group ANOVA test were computed and found that the p-value .145 is more than (p=0.05). Hence there is no significant difference found between the groups. Data analyzed by respondents’ gender and found that 45 respondents were male with 95.18 units mean and 15.596 Std. Deviation, rest 11 respondents, are female with 90.09 group mean and 8.689 Std. Deviation. Independent sample t-test were computed to see the difference between groups and noted the p-value is more than (p = 0.05) hence there is no significant difference found.
Conclusion:- This study reported a high severity of expectancy related to alcohol and drugs to the graduate students. Nearly 81 percent students indicated have likelihood towards alcohol, no student found with low desire for alcohol. Study observed that student in graduate courses is at a higher risk of alcohol and substance abuse. Hence, it is concluded that the phenomena of alcoholism and addiction need am immediate intervention to prevent youth from falling in the thrilling notion of alcohol and drugs. Limitations of the Study:- The study has many limitations; it applied a pure quantitative methodology, and only stress to explore the level of expectancy among graduate students. A more in-depth study with mix methodology could do a more appropriate result. Further, incorporating research students and including sample from other universities will improve the result consistency. References:-
Shahnawaz Ahmad Research Scholar, Department of Social Work, Central University of Rajasthan – 305817 Dr. Atiq Ahmed Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Central University of Rajasthan – 305817 |
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