Author : Dr. Mohan Das and Nagesh R. Pages : XVI+242=258 Contents Foreword Preface Acknowledgement 1. Introduction 1.1 Definitions of Career related terms 1.1.1 Career 1.1.2 Work 1.1.3 Job 1.1.4 Career Development 1.1.5 Career Maturity 1.1.6 Career Management 1.1.7 Career Education 1.1.8 Career Guidance 1.1.9 Career Decision-making 1.1.10 How to Choose a Career? 1.1.11 Occupation 1.1.12 Career Awareness 1.1.13 Career Goal 1.1.14 Career Motivation 1.1.15 Career Satisfaction 1.1.16 Career Strategy 1.1.17 Career Success 1.1.18 Career Planning 1.1.19 Career Information 2. Career 2.1 Features of Career 2.1.1. Choice and decision 2.1.2. Suitability 2.1. 3. Preparation 2.1.4. Ongoing development 2.1.5. Social - personal dimensions 2.2 Role of Career in Life 2.2.1 Economic independence 2.2.2 Identity 2.2.3 Fame 2.2.4 Status and standing in society 2.2.5 Defines our social interactions 2.2.6 Defines our journey oflife 3. Factors influencing Career Decision-Making 3.1 The Socioeconomic Status 3.2 Gender 4. Steps in Career Preparation and Development 4.1. Skill to Self-Understanding 4.1.1. Interest 4.1.2. Aptitude/Ability 4.1.3. Potential 4.1.4 Career Beliefs 4.2 Understanding the World of Work 4.2.1 Wider possibilities 4.2.2 Pathways for career 4.2.3 Components of careers information 4.2.4 Linking personal profiles with career options 4.3 Developing Career Alternatives 4.3.1 What are Career Alternatives? 4.3.2 The Process of Developing Career Alternatives 4.4 Career Planning and Preparation 4.4.1 The career development plan 4.4.2 Skill Literacy and Work Experience 4.4.3 Start small and grow tall 5. Definitions of' Academic Qualifications 5.1 Qualifications - Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees 5.2 Eligibility 5.3 Degree vs. Vocational Courses 5.4 Levels of Qualifications 5.4.1 Certificates 5.4.2 Diplomas 5.4.3 Degrees 5.4.4 Recognition 6. Career Information 6.1 Linguistic Potential Careers 6.1.1 Announcer - Radio, Television and Other media 6.1.2 Anthropologist 6.1.3 Archaeologist 6.1.4 Archivist and Curator 6.1.5 Cap -Centre Operator 6.1.6 Company secretary 6.1.7 Copywriter 6.1. 8 Editor/Publisher 6.1.9 Historian 6.1.10 Director: Film / Stage 6.1.11 Journalist 6.1.12 Lawyer 6.1.13 Librarian 6.1.14 Language Specialists 6.1.15 Medical Technologist: Health Information Administrator 6.1.16 Musician 6.1.17 Political Scientist 6.1.18 Public Relations Officer 6.1.19 Script Writer 6.1.20 Secretary 6.1.21 Social Scientist 6.1.22 Stenographer and Typist 6.1.23 Sociologist 6.1.24 Teacher: Higher Secondary 6.1.25 Teacher: College Lecturer / Professor 6.1.26 Teacher - Special Needs 6.1.27 Translator and Interpreter 6.1.28 Tour Guides 6.2 Analytical and Logical Potential Careers 6.2.1 Accountant 6.2.2 Actuarial Scientist 6.2.3 Farming Advisers 6.2.4 Astronomer 6.2.5 Bank tellers and related clerks 6.2.6 Biologist 6.2.7 Biomedical Engineer 6.2.8 Biotechnologist 6.2.9 Chartered' Accountant 6.2.10 Chemist 6.2.11 Computer Science: Software Developer 6.2.12 Cost Accountant 6.2.13 Detective 6.2.14 Economist 6.2.15 Electronics Engineer 6.2.16 Environmental Engineer 6.2.17 Environmental Scientist 6.2.18 Financial Analyst 6.2.19 Food/and Drink Technologist 6.2.20 Forestry Adviser 6.2.21 Geneticist 6.2.22 Geographer 6.2.23 Industrial Engineer 6.2.24 International Trade (Exporter - Importer) 6.2.25 Investment Bankers 6.2.26 Materials Engineer 6.2.27 Mathematicians and related professionals 6.2.28 Microbiologist 6.2.29 Nanotechnologist 6.2.30 Pharmacist 6.2.31 Polymer Technologist 6.2.32 Scientist (Pure Science) 6.2.33 Securities and finance dealers and brokers 6.2.34 Sound Engineer 6.2.35 Statistician 6.2.36 Veterinarian 6.3 Spatial Potential Careers 6.3.1 Animation Designer 6.3.2 Architect 6.3.3 Cartographer and Surveyor 6.3.4 Cartoonist 6.3.5 Ceramic Decorator / Designer 6.3.6 Cinematographer 6.3.7 Commercial Artist 6.3.8 Crafts Designer 6.3.9 Cosmetologist 6.3.10 Draughtsperson 6.3.11 Fashion Designer 6.3.12 Fine Artist 6.3.13 Interior Designer and Decorator 6.3.14 Jewellery and precious-metal worker 6.3.15 Leather Technologist 6.3.16 Multi-Media Designer 6.3.17 Naval Architect 6.3.18 Packaging Technologist 6.3.19 Paper Technologist 6.3.20 Photographers 6.3.21 Printing technologist 6.3.22 Product Designer 6.3.23 Textile Designer 6.4 Personal Potential Careers 6.4.1 Air Hostess / Steward(Travel attendant and travel steward) 6.4.2 Audiologist and Speech Therapist 6.4.3 Civil Servant 6.4.4 Counselling Professionals 6.4.5 Dentist 6.4.6 Development Studies 6.4.7 Dietician and Nutritionist 6.4.8 Conference and event planner 6.4.9 Hospital Administrator (Health services manager) 6.4.10 Hotel Manager 6.4.11 Human Resource Manager 6.4.12 Insurance Agent 6.4.13 Labour Relations Officer 6.4.14 Manager - Agriculture 6.4.15 Manager - Retail and wholesale trade 6.4.16 Manager: Sales and marketing 6.4.17 Medical Doctor (Allopathy) Generalist Medical Practitioner 6.4.18 Medical Doctor (Ayurved) 6.4.19 Medical Doctor (Homeopathy) Traditional and Complementary Medicine Professionals (Homeopathy) 6.4.20 Nursing Professional 6.4.21 Occupational therapist 6.4.22 Physiotherapist 6.4.23 Psychologist 6.4.24 Social Worker 6.4.25 Teacher-Pre School 6.4.26 Teacher- Primary School 6.4.27 Travel and Tourism Agent (Travel Consultants and Organisers) 6.5 Physical and Mechanical Potential Careers 6.5.1 Aerospace/ Aeronautical Engineer 6.5.2 Agricultural Engineer 6.5.3 Agricultural Scientist 6.5.4 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers(Aircraft engine mechanics and repairers) 6.5.5 Air Traffic Controller 6.5.6 Animal Husbandry (Livestock and Dairy Producers) 6.5.7 Apiarist and Sericulturist 6.5.8 Armed Forces 6.5.9 Auto Mechanic (Motor Vehicle Mechanics and Repairers) 6.5.10 Automobile Engineer 6.5.11 Carpenters and Joiners 6.5.12 Chemical Engineer 6.5.13 Civil Engineer 6.5.14 Computer Hardware Technologist (ICT user support technician) 6.5.15 Dancer and Choreographer 6.5.16 Dental assistant and therapist 6.5.17 Electrical Engineer 6.5.18 Engineer 6.5.19 Fashion Model 6.5.20 Fishery Science 6.5.21 Forester 6.5.22 Geologist 6.5.23 Marine Engineer 6.5.24 Marine Scientist 6.5.25 Mechanical Engineer 6.5.26 Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians 6.5.27 Medical Technologist: Medical Imaging Technology 6.5.28 Medical Technologist: Nuclear Medicine Technology 6.5.29 Medical Technologist: Optometry 6.5.30 Medical Technologist: Respiratory Therapy Technology 6.5.31 Medical Technologist: Surgical Technology 6.5.32 Merchant Navy (Deck Crew) (Ships' deck crew and related worker) 6.5.33 Merchant Navy (Engineer) (Ship's engineer) 6.5.34 Merchant Navy (Mariner) Ships' deck officer and pilot 6.5.35 Metallurgical Engineer 6.5.36 Meteorologists 6.5.37 Mining Engineer 6.5.38 Oceanographer 6.5.39 Orthotist and Prosthetist 6.5.40 Petroleum Engineer 6.5.41 Physical Education Teacher (Physical Trainer) 6.5.42 Pilot (Aircraft pilots and related associate professionals) 6.5.43 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters 6.5.44 Police Officers 6.5.45 Radio Officer (Ship) 6.5.46 Sports Professional(AtWetes and Sports Players) 6.5.47 Telecommunications Engineers 6.5.48 Toolmakers and die makers 7. Entrance Examinations at National and State Level 7.1 Management 7.2 Engineering 7.3 Medical Sciences 7.4 Agriculture Science 7.5 Law 7.6 Architecture 7.7 Design 7.8 Defence 7.9 Fashion Technology 7.1 0 Hospitality 7.11 Veterinary Science 8. Sources of Career Information 8.1 Objectives of Career Information Sources 8.2 Printed Sources 8.2.1 Newspapers and Magazines: 8.2.2 Books 8.2.3 Directories 8.2.4 Biographies: 8.2.5 Handbooks 8.2.6 Encyclopedias: 8.2.7 Educational Institution Prospectus: 8.2.8 Reports from State and National Departments and Bodies 8.3 Non-printed Information 8.3.1 Websites 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 :rrttp:/ / 8.3.5 8.3.6 8.3.7 8.3.8 8.3.9 8.3.10 8.3.11 8.3.12 Databases 8.4 Other Sources 8.4.1 Conferences 8.4.2 Exhibitions and Fairs 8.4.3 People you Know 8.4.4 Employers 8.4.5 Informational interviews: 8.4.6 Professional societies, trade groups, and labor unions 8.4.7 Guidance and career counselors 8.4.8 Social Welfare Departments 8.4.9 Some employment related publications Index Bibliography Education is a social process of building personality of the young in a society. It has the noble objective of promoting a productive and conscientious workforce thereby enabling holistic socio-economic development with equity and justice. Modern global economy demands not just workers but entrepreneurs and a workforce that is capable of withstanding modern day challenges of multiple demands, accountability, transparency and the need to survive by proving one’s worth at all times. The shift from a state led economic system to market led economy has transformed lives of millions of job seekers making them look for sustainable means of survival. What matters in the global world is proving one’s worth by demonstrating proficiency at work and to achieve goals; and not by merely following ascribed assignments. While conducting career guidance sessions for young school students, we realized that most of them were clueless about choosing careers. Most of them went with the flow, by copying or following their peers. In our view it is an improper approach to making the important decision of deciding on a career. A key objective of an education system is to build a workforce to enable economic activity in a country. Graduates of such a system help by participating in industries through either employment or entrepreneurship. In such a system, young students usually choose careers in the IX or X standard. The typical decision criteria that students in India follow today are: - Personal aspirations - Performance of seniors in the profession - Information from peers The decision is also influenced significantly by inputs from teachers and family on the potential of a particular career. More often than not, such decisions are weighed heavily by short term considerations such as current salaries offered and the glitter around specific jobs. The decision is rarely a result of an objective assessment. Consequently when they graduate, students are hardly ready for their chosen job and are ill-prepared for their career. The end result is an under-prepared workforce that performs way below potential. A significant percentage of misfits, resulting from an improper initial judgment of aspirations and inadequate skills and training thereof adds to the woes of a poorly performing workforce. Having chosen a broad career area using the usual approach, youngsters often find themselves unable to chart a future course of action. Amongst the many reasons for such a problem are: - Lack of information about skills required in a career - Poor discourse on where skills can be acquired and which courses to attend - No exposure to life skills needed - Innate inability to distinguish between job and career leading to an excessive job focus Through this book we hope to address some of these lacunae and enable students to make an informed choice of careers, identify specific skills to be acquired, reach out to institutions that offer appropriate courses and thereupon plot a successful career. Our wish is to see an industry ready workforce which contributes well and joyfully so to the country’s economy. We have tabulated in excess of 300 options for youngsters to consider. We firmly believe that this attempt of ours will benefit students and society alike. There is a caveat however, that some of these vocations may not exist in a few years. And if at all they do, the form may be very different. Hence the contents will need to be regularly revamped to include new vocations that may have emerged as also to make any changes in the vocations already documented. Believing that ‘successful careers are rarely accidental and result from sustained hard work that is driven by a persistent vision of success’, the book strives to impress upon the students and others that the first step in their march towards an accomplished personality formation is proper choice of career. As discussed earlier, this first step is often clouded by uncertainty caused by insufficient information on careers and vocations. The book attempts to help students in avoiding impulsive and chance decisions and to make career decisions and planning a diligent process. The book builds on the fact that such decisions must include systematic identification of skills required as well as knowledge of where they are available. By presenting this book, we hope to have succeeded in removing existing lacunae in making an informed career choice, identify specific skills to be acquired, locate institutions that offer courses in this realm and, thereupon, plot a successful career. Our ultimate desire is to launch ‘an industry- ready workforce’ that contributes well and joyfully to the nation’s economy. Information about careers (and the right career) occupies a place of primacy in the process of career selection and planning. Whenever a certain individual has to achieve her/his dream career/job, s/he has to plan well for the same, noting the details of the career, required abilities, qualification, specialization etc. In addition, one has to take note of appropriate educational institutions that enable accomplish of the dream to get into a certain career. The most popular professions in India are medicine and engineering. But they are most certainly not the only ones. There are many equally prestigious and economically flourishing professions. The book vividly describes many of them with details of how to apply, course to study and so on. We have tabulated over 300 options for youngsters to consider. The authors are also aware about the caveat that these vocations may not exist in a few years from now; even if they did, they may assume a different form. Therefore, the book has given attention to revamp the existing options to include new vocations that may emerge and make any changes in vocations already documented. Contents of the Book The book is designed to serve interests of a wide audience covering students, teachers and professionals in the fond hope providing a fillip to their careers. It is written keeping in view not only the student but also another stakeholder, the teacher. It aims to aid their tryst with career guidance by empowering them in planning careers of their students. The contents are expected to enable Indian readers to choose the right career in a systematic manner and grow in that direction, by doing the right thing at the right time. The key aspects presented in the book are: • How to impact decisions in choosing the right career • Important elements in deciding a career • Explanation and complete information on different careers • Clarification and explanation of educational qualifications • Options and approaches for building careers • Information on Entrance and Competitive Examinations • Sources of career information Structure of the Book The book is structured to help disseminate career related information systematically. The broad framework is as below: Details of careers: explanation and definition of the term ‘career’; brief information about a career; information about how career includes its own ideas and links to other careers. Qualification and Abilities needed for a Career: required skills and capabilities needed for practicing a career (e.g. for a student aspiring to be an Accountant, the needed qualities are analytical mind and logical thinking). It adopts a rationale and strategy created by Harvard University experts that help measuring intelligence and decision making abilities, following which one can choose the right career. Potentials: The following potentials are treated in some depth:
Presentation of Chapters The book is designed to present in 2 parts. Part I deals with terms used in relation to vocations and careers. A compendium of definitions of careers, synonymous words, concepts like information decision, motivation etc. is outlined in chapter 1. Chapter 2 describes the features and role of career in life. In chapter 3 factors influencing decision-making in careers, socio-economic status, role of Gender, parents and religion in career seeking etc are discussed. Chapter 4 describes steps in Career Preparation and Development such as understanding self, understanding the World of Work, alternatives and preparation. Chapter 5 is a modest discussion of academic qualifications and their roles. Part II of the book focuses on long term aspects of building a vibrant career. Chapter 6 contains detailed information about careers such as name, definition, nature of work, eligibility and potential, career paths, specialization, working sectors, educational and training institutions etc are offered, in a capsule form for use by anyone who wishes to understand the specific sectors. Chapter 7 provides information about entrance examination at national and state levels for various courses. In chapter eight, sources of career information are provided. Thus, the book is a valuable source book on career guidance to all concerned irrespective of whether one is a teacher, student, parent or a professional. It is may be read from cover to cover in a sequential manner, or used as a ready-reckoner for any specific information. We recommend a detailed study of Part I for familiarization with terms before moving on to Part II for a thorough guidance on launching a career. In other words, for the fresher, part I is a great source of information to get into a career. For those who are already in a career, part II may be more beneficial. While students may use this as a reference book on vocations and careers, teachers will find the book as a treasure trove in guiding the students in their careers. Thus, the book addresses a much needed objective of holistic education and career building for the youngsters in the Indian context. The book will be used as a support document for the CAREER COUNSELLING AND GUIDANCE WORKSHOP that we conduct. We recommend that teachers attend our session on how to use this book effectively while guiding their students. Dr. Mohan Das Nagesh R.
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