Editors : Dr. G.T. Govindappa, Dr. Laxmana P and Dr. Cirappa I.B. Pages : 558 Foreword During the last 25years of Economic Reforms, the Financial Sector has changed metamorphically. Capital market today is on par with the capital markets in the developed world in terms of technology, trading and transparency. So also the Money market, Banking sector, insurance and the financial services. It is an appropriate time to assess and evaluate the reforms in financial sector. It was heartening that the Department of Commerce of Davangere university organized a Two –day National Conference on the theme, “25 years of Financial sector reforms: A look Back and ahead”. More than 100 papers were presented in the conference and opportunity was provided to post graduate students to participate and present papers in the conference. I am also very happy to know that the Department is bringing out an edited volume of papers presented in the conference. I appreciate the faculty and the students for working collectively inorganizing the conference and in bringing out the edited volume. I extend my best wishes and support in all their endeavours. Prof.B.B.Kaliwal Vice-Chancellor Davangere University Shivangagotri, Davangere-577002 Contents 1. Quarter Century of Financial Sector Reforms in India: Some Issues and Concerns
Dr. N.K. Thingalaya 2. Banking Sector Reforms – A Forward-looking Perspective Dr. K Ramesha 3. Financial Sector Reforms in India Prof. S G Hundekar 4. Wealth Tax Reforms Vis-à-vis Financial Sector Reforms Mrs. Shamala K and Dr. G.T. Govindappa 5. Financial Sector Reforms and Indian Agriculture Dr. K.B. Rangappa and Smt. S. Suchitra 6. A Journey of Financial Sector Reforms Dr. Lakshmana.P and Prasanna S.H. 7. An Empirical Study on Systematic Investment Plan [SIP] in Capital Market - Special reference to HDFC Mutual Fund Company Dr. Cirappa I.B 8. Growth of Alternative Investment Funds in India Velmurugan PS and Perumalraja R 9. Banking Sector Reforms in India K. Senthil Kumar and Dr. S. Rajendran 10. Entrepreneurship Development in India – The Rudseti Way Dr. Jagadish B 11. Foreign Direct Investment in India: A Case Study on Life Insurance Industries in India Dr. Kartikey Koti 12. An Analysis of Indian Private Sector Banks Using Camel Model Approach Dr. Rajnalkar Laxman, Shivakumar Jagannath and Abhisek Limbare 13. Emerging Market Trends in Medical Tourism Services in Karnataka Dr. Vinod N Sambrani and Mr . Sekappa N Makkalageri 14. Stock Market Integration Among Brics Nations - An Empirical Analysis Mohammad Irshad VK and Dr.Velmurugan PS 15. Credit Cards and Cash Position Changes of an Individual: A Study Dinesha K and Dr. P Laxmana 16. Social Entrepreneurship: A case study of Self Help Group Leaders in Davangere District. Ravindra K.C. and Dr. G.T. Govindappa 17. Alternate Banking Channels in India for Customer Convenience Harish N 18. Impact of IASs on Indian Accounting Standards Mr. Gajendra 19. Training and Development Practices as a Tool for creating work force efficiency of sustainable growth in organization Rajendra Prasad G R and Dr. Manjunath K. R 20. A Gaze At The Information Technology Dissemination in Indian Banking System Dr. Vinod N Sambrani 21. CSR Accounts Reporting In India Dr. Vinod N Sambrani and Chidanand G Byahatti 22. Securitization in India: A Strategic Tool for Competitiveness Ravindra K.C. 23. Financial Sector and Women Entrepreneurship -A Special Reference to Banking Industry Dr. Supriya.R 24. Role of Micro Finance through Self Help Groups - Opportunities and Current Issues Manjunatha J M and Dr. Govindappa G T 25. Industrial Finance for MSMEs in India - Issues and Challenges Aravinda M.N. and Dr. B. Hiriyappa 26. Financial Reforms and Growth of MSMEs in India Prashanth Nayaka T R 27. Dynamic Interaction between, Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI), Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs), and Stock Market Returns in India Dhananjaya K and Krishna Raj 28. Payments & Small Finance Banks – Their Role in Banking Space for Inclusive growth Shankar Soppadla and Dr. Siddappa.o. Halasagi 29. Personal Financial Wellness and Human Resource Management Dr. Jagadish B 30. Corporate Bond Market: A “spare tyre” of Indian Economy! Velmurugan PS and Rinku Champramary 31. Emerging Challenges in the Process of Adoption of IFRS in India Venktesh Babu S. 32. Micro Finance Through Self Help Groups (SHGs) (A Case Study of Tumkur District) Dr. Laxmana P and Lakshmikantha Nayaka T.O 33. Role of SHGs in Entrepreneurial Development and Empowerment of Women-A Case Study of Mayakonda Hobali in Davanagere District. Chandrashekhara Y. and Dr. Pallavi S. Kusugal. 34. Empirical Relationship between US and Indian Interest Rates Swap Markets Velmurugan PS and Veeraraghavan R 35. Corporate Governance Practices in Financial Institutions (A Study on Selected Commercial Banks in India) Dr. Cirappa I.B. and Mr. Muttesha N. 36. A Study on the Performance of Public Sector General Insurance Companies in India T. Chandrashekhara and Dr. (Smt) K.S. Sarala 37. Institutional approach for Financial Inclusion: A Study with Special Reference to Dakshina Kannada Ms.Florin Shelomith Soans 38. Problems of Industrial Estate Entrepreneurs - An Analysis Dayanand C. Naik and Janet SSM 39. Job Satisfaction – A Study on Employees’ Perception Dr. Sumukha P S and Dr. Mamata V. Hegde 40. Empowerment of Rural Women Entrepreneurs through Sri Kshethra Dharmasthala Gramabhirodhi Yojana – A Study in Chitradurga District. Smt. Jamunarani H.S. 41. An Empirical Study on the Role of Public Sector Banks in Rural Development (With Special Reference to SBI) Dr. Cirappa I.B. and Sowmya N.R. 42. Performance Evaluation of Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank towards Agricultural Development Shilpa Danappanavar 43. Banking and Insurance Sector Reforms in India Dr. K. Shanmukha 44. A Role on Micro Finance in Self Help Groups with Special Reference to Davangere District Dr. Cirappa I.B and Mr. Chethan C.V 45. Corporate Social Responsibility Reforms and Practices in Financial Institutions: A Study on Selected Insurance Companies in India Mr. Muttesha N. 46. 25 Years Banking Sector Reforms and Its Impact on Indian Economy: Look Back and Ahead Shashidhara D. 47. Impact of Banking Sector Reforms on Indian Banking Systems Opportunities and Challenges in India Shruthi.R 48. Financial Risk Protection and Life Insurance in Davangere City Ms Shwetha M.B. 49. “A study on employees’ job satisfaction with special reference to Anantha Refinery Pvt., Ltd., Challakere” Dr. Cirappa I.B. and Leelavathi K. 50. Financial Inclusion Programmes in India: An Analytical View on Past 25 Years and Future Ahead Mr. Punith Kumar.D.G 51. Reforms in Indian Capital Market Rajaram H.G. and Dr. B. Hiriyappa 52. Financial Sector Reforms – Issues, Challenges and Future Road Map Towards Indian Economic Development Dr. Vinod. N. Sambrani and Naveen Pol 53. Merger and Acquisition in Indian Information Technology Sector Sandeep N.V. and Dr. B. Hiriyappa 54. A Review on Indian Capital Market Dr. Cirappa I.B. and Nagaraju H.P. 55. Entreprenureship In Dairy Industry Mahesh Karikatti 56. Financial Reforms and Its Exclusive Waves on Small Scale Industries in India Nagaraja B. 57. Financial Inclusion and Socio-Economic Change Prof. B.K.Mohamed Swaleha and Mahesh M.J. 58. Non-Performing Assets of Indian Banks Dr. Laxmana P and Kanakaraj S 59. Emerging Challenges of Credit Risk Management in Banking Sector Arati N. Rawal 60. A Study on Financial Sector Reforms in India: Causes, Policy Changes and Impact Sadhana A.G. 61. Cyber Entreprenurship Sukanya Singh 62. Financial Reforms in India and its Implications on Banking Sector Amulya R.H 63. Capital Markets discover Urban Cool: Real Estate through the Lens of the Indian Economy Alina Zohrain Sarkar 64. 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in E-commerce with effectiveness of Marketplace Model Vinay Kumar J 65. A Paper on 25 Years of Financial Sector Reforms in Banking Services, a Look Back and Ahead Alimuthuja G.C. 66. 25 Years of Financial Reforms in Stock Exchanges in India Ms. Gagana T.N. and Ms. Chaitra A.S. 67. A Technique of Camel Rating to Evaluate the Performance of Banks. [A Study on Shiva Co-Operative Bank]. Ms.Sneha C.S. 68. A Study on the Role of Women Empowerment in Micro Finance in India Pradeep kumara Y.N 69. A Paper on Corporate Governance Practices in Indian Financial Institutions: An Analysis on Post Financial Reforms Mr. Sharath. B.C. and Miss. Megha S. 70. Financial Reforms in Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Perspective Mr.Muttesha.N and Mr. Harish Tigari 71. RBI Reforms on Loans and Advances Mamatha R.V. 72. A Paper on Empowerment of Women Entreprenures through Selected Public Sector Bank in Chitradurga: An Analysis on Financial Reforms Chitra Shree B.S. and Bhavana A.R. 73. A Paper on Rights & Privileges of Shareholders in Financial Institutions: An Analysis of After Financial Reforms in Co-Operative Societies Mr. Sharath. B.C. and Miss. Hina Kouser S. 74. “Farmers Attitude Towards Loan Schemes of Regional Rural Banks in India; A Case Study on Pragathi Krishna Gramina Bank in Hireguntanur Hobli.” Mr. Babu.S and Miss. Chaitra.B 75. Banking Reforms on Non Performing Assets (NPAs) (an empirical study) Miss.Poojapatil 76. Consumer Satisfaction towards Mobile Banking [A study on teenagers of Davangere city] Sneha S.P. and Savita M.B. 77. “Reforms of Insurance Sector in India” (with special reference in Life Insurance Sector) B. Divya 78. “Role of Financial Institutions in the Growth and Development of Women Entrepreneurship” Mr. Karibasaiah. E 79. Investors’ Response Towards Different Investment Alternatives (An Emperical Study in Davangere City) Mr. Kasim Ali U. and Ms. Jayashree J. 80. A Paper on Changes in Human Resource Policies and Procedure Financial Institutions; After Financial Reforms. Pavithra S.A. and Kruthika C.S 81. Relationship Between Economic Indicators and Stock Market Indicies Manjula A.N and Mr. Punith Kumar D.G 82. Financial Reforms in Commercial Banks in Relating to Educational Loans Mahantesha C and Mallamma K M 83. Implications of IFRS on Small and Medium Size Enterprises in India Megha S 84. Money Market Farahana 85. Finacial Refoms In Indian Money Market Padma G.R 86. A Paper on Corporate Governance in World Bank Mis. Priyanka. B.R. and Mis. Reshma. M.S. 87. The Challenges and Opportunites of Insurance Sector in India Basavaraja. M.K 88. Profitability Analysis of Co-operative Bank (A Case Study on Davangere Urban Co-operative Bank) Jyothi.S.G and Kavitha.V.M 89. Financial Refomrs in Commercial Banks in India Mr. Muttesha N. and Ms. Sabah Anjum A 90. Indian Banking Sector Reforms Marutesh S 91. A Study on Financial Performance of Co-operative Banks (With Special Reference Bapuji Co-operative Bank Ltd., Davangere) Ranjitha C.R. 92. Indian Capital Market Reforms Agnes Stella M and Uma Maheshwari.A 93. ‘‘Investors Awarness and Practices Towards Capital Markets Instruments in India; A Case Study on Chitradurga City.” Mr. Babu.S and Mr. Ramesh C Teli 94. “Evolution and Growth of Life Insurance in India” Pavan Jinkal 95. “A Comparative Analysis between Old Private Sector Banks and New Private Sector Banks in India.” Miss. Akshatha .K and Mr. Sandeep .M 96. “Consumer Attitude Towords to Invest in Matual Funds; A Case Study on Chitradurga City’’ Siddesha G.S., Madukumar M.N and Hareesh Patil P.O 97. Role of Commercial Banks in Agricultural Finance: A Special Reference to SBM Agriculcural Development Bank, Davanagere Padmashree C.R. 98. Role of Taxation in Capital Markets Triveni C.D 99. A Study on Usage and Satisfaction of Customers on Credit Cards (A Case Study on Davanagere City) Mr. G.R. Sateeshnaik 100. Youth Entrepreneurship as a Way of Boosting Indian Economic Competitiveness Nikitha. C.M 101. A Study on 2015-16 Innovation in Indian Capital Market - Special Reference to Sovereign Gold Bond Ms. Madhuri S and Ms. Bhavana Kumari Chouhan 102. Capital Markets Reforms in India, Since 1991. Ms. Shalini J R 103. A Study on Online Trading and Demat Account in India Mr. Sachin M.A. 104. Innovative Services Offered by Banks (With Special Reference to ICICI Bank) Vidyadhare.A.R and Ranjitha.K 105. Reforms in Capital Market in India and the role of SEBI Mr. Vivek K.R 106. Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs Bibi Ghousia and Sumegha S.S. 107. Challenges Faced by Indian Enterpreneur after 1991 (LPG) Zaiba Ellahen.B 108. 25 years of Financial Reforms in India : Achievements and Challenges Dr. G.T. Govindappa, Mrs. Shamala K and Mr. Manjunatha J.M.
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