Dr. Ummer Beejadakatte Senior Executive Vice President – HR, Training & Administration at Pharmed Limited 1. One thing that makes you passionate about HR? The Human Element in Human Resource inspires me. The sheer dynamism and challenge of working in a complex &ever-changing environment owing to its human involvement intrigues me. My daily duties that involve working for employee welfare & happiness, ignites my passion and fuels my professional responsibility. 2. What is your success mantra? I have a very simple approach and believe it to be an effective solution to gain success. “Take care of your job, that job will take care of you”, “Do justice to your profession that profession will look after you”. A thorough professional approach and meeting the demands of profession is my success Mantra. 3. One thing, which you learnt from your mistake? Most lifetime lessons are learnt from mistakes; the ability to recognize them accept and grow over it helps one evolve as a better person and grow professionally. More importantly, one learns to plan better and avoid them to negligible levels over a period of time. Personally, I learnt I should deep dive into details while planning to avoid mistakes. 4. What values, the future HR must have? The values that enable you to understand, reach out and connect are the way forward for HR. Empathy, Sympathy along with Respect for each other will be irreplaceable. 5. Do you think the Artificial Intelligence will be a challenge for HR? Artificial Intelligence has the capability to develop more effective workflow and increased productivity. It takes employees work to a new high. But I believe nothing can replace human creativity and it's this uniqueness that is both a challenge and a driving force for HR. 6. What are your achievements? I have been fortunate enough to be inspired by awards and recognitions at regular intervals that have been the milestones of my journey. But the very satisfaction of being acknowledged as a contributor motivates me to do better.
7. What is your Time Management Mantra? All time management begins with planning. When we dream, we envision it, but it becomes real only when it is scheduled. Hence it is not just about better time management; it isall about better self-management. The discipline to move with scheduled plan is mandatory to reap from time. 8. How do you connect people in your busy schedule? I believe to continually connect with people is part of my work, but I strive to working efficiently rather than labelling my time busy to accommodate all that is necessary and important. This approach has helped me to be available for organization's requirements and for Social Cause. 9. Your advice for aspiring HR Professionals? “Be passionate and love the job you do”, “Keep your profession in the heart & heart in the profession”. Communication & Computer skills are very much important. As an aspiring HR Professionals, one should always read &keep themselves updated. 10. Do you agree the Data Analytics will be game changer? Yes, proper Management Information Systems (MIS) and analysing the data is very important. Proper analysis of data is important because it helps to take proper decision to gather a full overview of the health of a business. Its features like these that are a need for a skill upgrade as Data available is enormous and the right questions can amplify the learning's and give far deeper insights. 11. Do you think the candidate experience is important? Yes, it is better to have experienced person for key, core & critical positions. However, sometimes fresh minds give great results. So, limiting hire to experienced candidates alone will not take company to greater levels. 12. How as a Leader you go about developing yourself today? Learning is a never-ending process. Man right from his birth till his death, keeps on learning various things. Learn, Unlearn and Relearn is an adaptive process to our environment. The better one does this the more adept is he in understanding himself and his environment and this is a great tool for anyone looking to grow exponentially. 13. Do you think the present skills of HR professionals will be outdated in next years? HR professions like any other profession's skill sets continually change with time for “Change is the only constant thing”. The technology that people deal with and the work environment that they work under are on a continual upgrade and hence the skill sets need an upgrade too. Plus staying updated is always necessary for smooth working across professions. 14. What can HR do to influence the company culture? HR can be torch bearers. We need to set an example. Identify priorities, prioritize them and the naim to get the right things done. We need to follow the “hear- hear” policy which means, we should listen to people, value their views & have mutual respect. A two-way path of open communication with set priorities should help steer the company culture in right direction. 15. What keeps you passionate about social work? Giving, sharing is a natural trait for humans. Man is a social animal, and we are the integrated part of the society. With a Master's degree in Social work specializing in HR from a reputed Social Work Institute (The School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya), I have only structured and organized my sharing and giving experiences. The result is Sajjana Prathishtana Beejadakatte“ registered under Indian Trust Act. We have been able to impact lives and build livelihoods. It has been very active in covid times with several initiatives in rural areas like distribution of corona kit, ration kit, masks and sanitizers to government offices/ schools …. We have arranged various training programmes for the rural student.” There is a whole lot of people involved in it. Personally, I just believe in giving back something to the society and follow it diligently. ![]()
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