- Human Resource
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- HR Reports
HR Reports
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This book is concerned with management of people. People in organisations, endowed with a range of abilities, talents and attitudes influence the productivity, quality and profitability of the organisation. People set overall strategies and goals, design work systems, produce goods and services, monitor quality, allocate financial resources and market the products and services. Individuals, therefore, become “ human resources” by virtue of the roles they play in their organisation.
In theory, the management of people is not different from the management of other resources of organisations. In practice, it becomes different because of the nature of the resource, viz., people.
The human resources differ from other resources the management uses partly because individuals are endowed with personality traits, gender, role perception and differences in experience and partly as a result of differences in motivation and commitment.
Today human resource management has a greater impact on corporate profit than it had ever before. Until recently, the human resources function was considered to be a peripheral concern and was not taken seriously by aggressive profit oriented mainstream managers. The human resources manager was usually a functional specialist, mostly concerned with routine matters and, more often than not, confined to industrial relations, salary administration, and workforce planning at the organisation’s lower level. His/her contribution to overall corporate performance and profitability was never adequately recognised.
But today, both the workforce and the work itself have entered a period of rapid and profound change. New employee attitudes toward work, new legislations, the growing concern for individual rights, and the complexity of costs of employee benefits have made the human resources function of prime importance. The perception that employees are repositories of knowledge and skills, the realisation that employee motivation and job satisfaction can have significant effects on quality and profitability, and the appreciation of the need to retain trained and experienced personnel are some of these factors.
So the management of human resources has taken its place alongside finance, marketing and information technology. The human resources manager has come to enjoy the confidence of top management in matters of development, planning and strategy formulation. Because the human resources manager is making important policy decisions, he/she must also be knowledgeable about and sensitive to the environment in which the corporation operates.
The human resources manager is primarily concerned with maximising returns on the corporation’s greatest resource, viz., people. The success of the human resources manager affects the very survival of the organisation. A breakdown in employment, appraisal, training, and compensation systems can have immediate and damaging consequences to the operations of the company.
In any business organisation many individuals/ groups are involved in managing different HR aspects. Employees are recruited, promoted, transferred, terminated, retired and granted leave and increases in pay. Can all decisions on these issues be consistent with the best interests of both the company and the employee? Without guidance, such decisions can defeat the purpose of the company, can cause employee disaffection and can tarnish the reputation of the company.
So HR decisions must be made on the basis of truly enlightened policies and principles. It is imperative that all those on the decision chain be fully aware of these guiding principles and follow them in their day- to- day professional practice.
This book is conceived of as a means to achieving this purpose viz., a clear and concise presentation of the standard documentation principles and practices that modern HR manager can adapt/adopt according to the requirements of their specific professional contexts.
Generation of various documents and human resource reports designated by the term “HR Reports” here begins with an analysis of information needs answering the question “who needs what, when, in what form and for what purpose?” The top management needs information of a certain level of comprehensiveness and generality. HR reports will, therefore, vary in nature, content and format. Other divisions in the company need information on their specific area of responsibility. Different HR reports will therefore have to be developed and submitted.
As the management of human resources is becoming more professional and sophisticated, the volume and variety of reports are increasing. It is inconceivable that human resources department can operate efficiently even one day without the use of a report. This book is intended as a professional guide to HR managers faced with the enormous variety of reporting types and formats.
The book “HR Reports” includes model reports to secure, interview, employ, orient, appraise, evaluate, promote, train, reward, and retire employees. In addition, useful survey questionnaires on performance management, HRD climate, compensation management, employee exit etc, are provided to help the reader. The objective of reports published in the book is to contribute to the success of people managers.
The reports presented in the book are arranged in a chronological sequence. It starts with a job advertisement and ends with full and final settlement of employee dues.
In the coming decades, the economy is going to rely heavily on knowledge-based industries. In such a scenario, people management will assume critical importance, and the role of HR manager will become that of a catalytic agent in the process of business development. It is hoped that the book will provide ready reference to HR managers in discharging their functions.
The insider perspective that this book provides of the HR profession will turn out to be valuable for Management students in general and aspirants to HR management positions in particular. Students and job seekers can use this book to acquire a feel of the real world of the HR manager.
The ultimate test of any book is acceptance by its readers. My earlier law books in Kannada viz., “Kaarmika Kanoonu Mattu Maadari Patragalu”, “Karmika Sanghagala Kayide Mattu Niyamagalu” and “Kaigarika Kayidegalu” have passed this test laudably. These books have been bought not only by institutional libraries, but individual professionals as well. I believe that the present volume, unique as it is, will meet the needs of all those who are concerned with managing people.
This book is concerned with management of people. People in organisations, endowed with a range of abilities, talents and attitudes influence the productivity, quality and profitability of the organisation. People set overall strategies and goals, design work systems, produce goods and services, monitor quality, allocate financial resources and market the products and services. Individuals, therefore, become “ human resources” by virtue of the roles they play in their organisation.
In theory, the management of people is not different from the management of other resources of organisations. In practice, it becomes different because of the nature of the resource, viz., people.
The human resources differ from other resources the management uses partly because individuals are endowed with personality traits, gender, role perception and differences in experience and partly as a result of differences in motivation and commitment.
Today human resource management has a greater impact on corporate profit than it had ever before. Until recently, the human resources function was considered to be a peripheral concern and was not taken seriously by aggressive profit oriented mainstream managers. The human resources manager was usually a functional specialist, mostly concerned with routine matters and, more often than not, confined to industrial relations, salary administration, and workforce planning at the organisation’s lower level. His/her contribution to overall corporate performance and profitability was never adequately recognised.
But today, both the workforce and the work itself have entered a period of rapid and profound change. New employee attitudes toward work, new legislations, the growing concern for individual rights, and the complexity of costs of employee benefits have made the human resources function of prime importance. The perception that employees are repositories of knowledge and skills, the realisation that employee motivation and job satisfaction can have significant effects on quality and profitability, and the appreciation of the need to retain trained and experienced personnel are some of these factors.
So the management of human resources has taken its place alongside finance, marketing and information technology. The human resources manager has come to enjoy the confidence of top management in matters of development, planning and strategy formulation. Because the human resources manager is making important policy decisions, he/she must also be knowledgeable about and sensitive to the environment in which the corporation operates.
The human resources manager is primarily concerned with maximising returns on the corporation’s greatest resource, viz., people. The success of the human resources manager affects the very survival of the organisation. A breakdown in employment, appraisal, training, and compensation systems can have immediate and damaging consequences to the operations of the company.
In any business organisation many individuals/ groups are involved in managing different HR aspects. Employees are recruited, promoted, transferred, terminated, retired and granted leave and increases in pay. Can all decisions on these issues be consistent with the best interests of both the company and the employee? Without guidance, such decisions can defeat the purpose of the company, can cause employee disaffection and can tarnish the reputation of the company.
So HR decisions must be made on the basis of truly enlightened policies and principles. It is imperative that all those on the decision chain be fully aware of these guiding principles and follow them in their day- to- day professional practice.
This book is conceived of as a means to achieving this purpose viz., a clear and concise presentation of the standard documentation principles and practices that modern HR manager can adapt/adopt according to the requirements of their specific professional contexts.
Generation of various documents and human resource reports designated by the term “HR Reports” here begins with an analysis of information needs answering the question “who needs what, when, in what form and for what purpose?” The top management needs information of a certain level of comprehensiveness and generality. HR reports will, therefore, vary in nature, content and format. Other divisions in the company need information on their specific area of responsibility. Different HR reports will therefore have to be developed and submitted.
As the management of human resources is becoming more professional and sophisticated, the volume and variety of reports are increasing. It is inconceivable that human resources department can operate efficiently even one day without the use of a report. This book is intended as a professional guide to HR managers faced with the enormous variety of reporting types and formats.
The book “HR Reports” includes model reports to secure, interview, employ, orient, appraise, evaluate, promote, train, reward, and retire employees. In addition, useful survey questionnaires on performance management, HRD climate, compensation management, employee exit etc, are provided to help the reader. The objective of reports published in the book is to contribute to the success of people managers.
The reports presented in the book are arranged in a chronological sequence. It starts with a job advertisement and ends with full and final settlement of employee dues.
In the coming decades, the economy is going to rely heavily on knowledge-based industries. In such a scenario, people management will assume critical importance, and the role of HR manager will become that of a catalytic agent in the process of business development. It is hoped that the book will provide ready reference to HR managers in discharging their functions.
The insider perspective that this book provides of the HR profession will turn out to be valuable for Management students in general and aspirants to HR management positions in particular. Students and job seekers can use this book to acquire a feel of the real world of the HR manager.
The ultimate test of any book is acceptance by its readers. My earlier law books in Kannada viz., “Kaarmika Kanoonu Mattu Maadari Patragalu”, “Karmika Sanghagala Kayide Mattu Niyamagalu” and “Kaigarika Kayidegalu” have passed this test laudably. These books have been bought not only by institutional libraries, but individual professionals as well. I believe that the present volume, unique as it is, will meet the needs of all those who are concerned with managing people.
- Personal Mission Statement
- Job Advertisement In Newspapers
- Sample Display Advertisement For The Position Of `Human Resources Manager’
- Internal Job Advertisement
- Employee Referral Programme
- Job Analysis Questionnaire
- Solicited Letter Of Application
- Unsolicited Letter Of Application
- An Ideal Bio-Data
- Writing A Professional Resume
- Pre Interview/ Company Application Form
- Interview Letter
- Application For Reimbursement Of Conveyance
- Interview Follow-Up Letter
- Interview Evaluation Sheet
- Interview Assessment Sheet
- Letter To An Unsuccessful Interview Candidate
- Letter Of Intent
- Letter Of Appointment For A Permanent Position
- Letter Of Appointment For A Permanent Position-2
- Appointment Order For Fixed Term Assignment
- Letter Of Appointment On Fixed Term Assignment-2
- Letter Of Appointment Of A Consultant
- Welcome Mail
- Welcome Mail-2
- Company E-Mail And Internet Policy
- Letter To Seek Additional Time
- Letter Declining Employment Offer
- New Employee Orientation Programme List
- Employment Verification
- Recruitment Climate Survey
- Model Questionnaire For Compensation Survey
- Employee Compensation Enhancement
- Revision Of Employee Compensation And Benefit Programme
- Employee Promotion
- A Probationer’s Evaluation Form
- Position Confirmation Of An Employee
- Extension Of Probation Period
- Termination Of A Probationer
- Stoppage Of Salary Increase To An Employee
- Letter Of Transfer
- Employee Resignation Letter
- Resignation Acceptance Letter
- Resignation Withdrawal Letter
- Exit Interview
- HR Solutions To IR Problems
- HR Climate Survey Questionnaire
- Letter From Managing Director Seeking Honest Appraisal From Employees
- Performance Management
- Employee Opinion Survey On Performance Management
- Self Analysis/Assessment Of Employee Performance
- Performance Evaluation And Employee Development Plan-[Supervisory And Managerial Employees]
- Performance Evaluation And Employee Development Plan-2 [Supervisory And Managerial Employees
- Potential Appraisal [Supervisory And Managerial Employees]
- 360° Performance Assessment
- The 360 Degree Feedback Questionnaire
- Job Analysis Questionnaire
- A Model Specification Format For The Job Of An Information Systems Manager
- A Model Specification Format For The Job Of A Personnel Manager
- A Model Skill Inventory Of A Personnel Officer
- A Replacement Summary For The Position Of Marketing Manager
- “Employee Suggestion Scheme” Announcement
- “Guidelines To The Employee Suggestion Scheme”
- Suggestion Form
- Employee Suggestion Evaluation Form
- Appreciation/ Accomplishment Letters
- Letter Of Appreciation / Accomplishment-1
- Letter Of Appreciation / Accomplishment-2
- Complimentary Letter To An Employee On Handling Of Difficulty
- Acknowledgement Of Customer Praise Of Employee
- Apology For A Poor Service Rating On A Customer Questionnaire
- Enrolment Form For A Management Development/Training Programme
- Programme Evaluation Form
- Employee’s Annual Training Record
- Voluntary Retirement Offer
- Application For Voluntary Retirement Offer
- Voluntary Retirement Acceptance Letter
- Communication To Department Heads Regarding The “Voluntary Retirement Offer”
- Message From The Chief Executive Officer To The Proposed Code Of Conduct
- Code Of Conduct
- Grievance Resolution Policy
- Company Safety Policy
- Safety Oath To Be Taken On National Safety Day
- Recruitment Manual
- Vehicle Usage Policy
- Dress Code Policy
- Corporate Policy On ‘Prevention Of Sexual Harassment Policy’
- Corporate Policy On ‘Prevention Of Sexual Harassment Policy’-
- Employee Undertaking
- Leave Policy
- Medical Reimbursement Claim Form
- Notice Of Retirement
- General Service Certificate To Be Issued To An Outgoing Employee
- Personal Status Change Application
- Salary, Designation And Employment Certificate
- Address Proof Certificate
- Letter Of Reference
- Application For Change Of Address
- Rental Agreement
- Agreement With An Outside Caterer To Supply Food At The Factory
- Agreement Between A Company And Labour Contractor
- Lease Deed Between An Employer And Factory Building Owner
- Agreement For Personal Loan
- Affidavit For Change Of Name
- Affidavit To Be Given In Respect Of Education Of Children At A Foreign Country
- Non-Disclosure / Confidentiality Agreement
- Non Disclosure Agreement To Be Obtained For An Outsourcing Agency
- Non-Disclosure Agreement Between A Manufacturer And Supplier Of Products
- Non Disclosure Agreement/Undertaking To Be Obtained From An Individual Employee
- Agreement To Be Obtained From Employees Sent On Overseas Assignments
- Agreement To Be Obtained From Prospective Employees
- Contract for Carriage and Forwarding
- Surety Declaration Form
- Circular Prohibiting The Use Of Gutka Inside The Factory Premises
- Notice Against Absenteeism.
- Notice Against Employee Late Coming
- Notice To Terminate Of The Occupation Of Company Quarters
- Letter To A New Customer
- Company Name Change- Letter To Employees
- Company Name Change- Letter To Customers, Suppliers Etc
- Company Name Change- Letter To Government Agencies/Statutory Bodies
- Condolence Message On The Death Of A Colleague
- Farewell Letter
- Thanks Giving Letter
- Position Description Of A Personnel Manager
- AppplicationFor Employment
- A Career Path Description Of An HR Vice President
- Heads Of Expenditure For Hr Division
- Personnel/Manpower Requisition
- Annual Analysis Of Recruitment Source Identification
- Trainee Evaluation Form
- Identification Of Training Cost
- Approval Paper For The Reimbursement Of Education Fees
- Role Of Line Managers In Human Resource Development
- Employee Complaint Form
- Job Evaluation Form
- Candidate Evaluation Document
- Prospective Employee Profile
- Presentation Pattern Of Curriculum Vitae From The Educational Institutions
- Recruitment And Selection Cost Analysis
- Calculation Of Employee Productivity
- Model Accident Report
- Annual Statistical Analysis Of Accidents
- Monthly Accident Analysis
- Duties And Responsibilities Of 'Domestic Enquiry' Roles
- Absenteeism Report- Daily/Weekly/Monthly
- Overtime Report- Daily/Weekly/Monthly
- Leave Utilisation Report- Weekly/Monthly
- Weekly Or Monthly Report On Overtime Cost
- Shift-Wise Daily Report Of Striking Employees
- Monthly Summary Of Union Membership
- Blood Group Analysis
- Annual Analysis Of Manpower Separation
- Full And Final Settlement Of An Employee